Central Great Lakes Chapter SPA
CONGRATULATIONS to the nominees and winners of the 24th Annual Central Great Lakes Student Production Awards!
We are thrilled to recognize some truly outstanding work done by high school students in our Chapter.
Our judges were impressed with the overall quality and abilities of these young broadcasters. Their creativity and technical skills made this a very competitive field.
The awards were judged by broadcasting professionals who are active in the NATAS Chapter and in the region’s Emmy® Awards. They include award-winning reporters, producers, educators and managers.
Award Recognition:
Each winning school will receive a Crystal Pillar to display at the school, and each student whose name is on the winning entry will receive a certificate.
Any student whose name is on the entry form of a winning production may purchase a duplicate Crystal Pillar. The 6-inch pillars cost $125 each.
Student Award Language
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) and the Lower Great Lakes Chapter is proud of the students and schools receiving this year’s Student Production Awards. However, it should be noted that NATAS restricts the use of the term “Emmy®” to professional awards.
Students may say they are recipients of a NATAS-Lower Great Lakes Regional Student Production Award. They may also say they received a Student Production Award from the NATAS-Lower Great Lakes chapter. Students and schools may use the image of the crystal pillar in their awards promotion.
It is important to note that students did not receive Emmy® awards or Student Emmy® Awards. The Emmy® name and statue are registered trademarks. Students and schools may not use the Emmy® name or figure to reference the Student Production awards. That includes mentions in publications, promotions or resumes.